Someone once told me, “Don’t be the best at what you do; be the only one doing it.”
That got me thinking…what makes the Kibera Girls Soccer Academy the only?
Well, KGSA is the only free high school for girls in Kibera that not only provides an education but also cares for the whole girl.
We believe that access to an education is just the beginning. Caring for their basic needs sets up KGSA girls for long-term success.
Take Trivia’s story: Before the dormitory opened, her mum struggled to feed Trivia, her twin sister Wendy, and their younger sister. Their small home lacked electricity and running water. Trivia’s mother wanted a better future for her daughters.

For the last two years, Trivia and Wendy have boarded at KGSA. They receive three meals a day, have access to bathrooms, and have sufficient space to study and recreate with their classmates. These sisters are thriving at KGSA and preparing to take their national exams next month.
KGSA doesn’t just educate girls – we provide girls with the resources they need to thrive.
Thanks to people like you and this community of supporters – the Kibera Girls Soccer Academy is on the path to graduating its 448th student by the end of the year!
I’m so proud to say that KGSA is the only school providing a free, holistic high school education to girls in Kibera.
You make that possible.