Can you help two KGSA girls who lost their homes to flooding?

As the heavy rains continued in Kenya over the weekend, two KGSA students living near the river lost their homes to flooding. These girls are both in Form 4 (seniors) and have safely relocated with their family members to another area of Kibera.  

The government declared all makeshift homes near the river as unsafe. They are vacating homes and bulldozing houses without providing accommodations to impacted families. Director Claris and School Counselor Jeddy are working to find long-term housing for the two homeless KGSA families. 

Can you please donate $25 today to the Flood Relief Fund to support these two girls and any other KGSA families that are impacted in the coming days and weeks? Funds will be used to help families rent a new home and replace personal items destroyed by the floods. 

In addition, the Ministry of Education suspended school across Kenya until next Monday. Just like during the pandemic, the staff pivoted from their normal school duties to caring for each KGSA girl. 

This week, the school team walked miles across Kibera through mud, rubbish and streams to deliver much needed food staples to KGSA girls and their families.

We understand the financial burden on households to feed extra mouths when school is canceled. Director Claris reported that many mothers cried with joy knowing that their children would not go hungry. 
Because of your continued giving,

KGSA was able to immediately divert funds from its normal school meal budget to provide critical food aid to families in need. As a nimble locally-led organization, KGSA can quickly respond to emergencies like the current flooding. That’s the KGSA difference. I’m so proud of the school’s tremendous “boots on the ground” effort.

From all of the KGSA girls, their families, and the staff, THANK YOU for supporting this small but impactful school in Kenya that is saving lives in Kibera. We will continue to keep you updated as this national natural disaster unfolds.