Welcome KGSA’s newest teacher

On Giving Tuesday, many of you helped us raise funds for KGSA to hire a new humanities teacher. Help us welcome Ashar to the KGSA team! 

Ashar was born and raised in Mount Elgon and attended Moi Girls High School-Vokoli. Last year, she graduated with a Bachelor of Education Arts in History and Kiswahili from the University of Nairobi. Ashar will be teaching history and Kiswahili at KGSA.

“I am passionate about teaching, because it gives me an opportunity to push learners above their limits and meet their human potentiality. A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where their influence stops.” 

Thanks for your continued support educating girls in Kibera – truly our mission wouldn’t be possible without you.

P.S. We asked our supporters what inspires them and wow did you deliver! Check out St. Paul, Minnesota making history with an all-female city council. Nadia Mohamed was sworn in as the first Somali immigrant and youngest person to become mayor of St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Finally, one of our youngest supporters shared that Mr. Beast is building wells in Kenya! How cool that a YouTube influencer is teaching kids to give back. We are so grateful for our wonderful community!